Co-Owner & Chiropractor

Timothy Wang

Meet chiropractor Timothy Wang, a practitioner with nearly two decades of experience in the field. Since 2003, he has dedicated himself to the art of chiropractic care, helping countless clients find relief from pain and regain their quality of life.

Timothy's expertise extends to various advanced techniques, including Active Release and the Graston Technique, which he skillfully employs to address soft tissue issues and alleviate discomfort. His commitment to holistic well-being goes beyond traditional chiropractic care; he is also a Pilates practitioner, allowing him to seamlessly integrate customized bodywork with Pilates principles. This unique approach not only helps clients build strength and mobility but also fosters better posture, enabling them to live pain-free and lead healthier lives. Timothy's wealth of knowledge and dedication to his craft make him a valuable asset at The Posture Bar, where he plays a pivotal role in transforming the lives of those seeking lasting relief and wellness.

How Can We Help You?

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